Free NNAT Practice Tests and Sample Questions

An Inside Look at the NNAT 

Try our free, diagnostic 10-question NNAT tests for both an understanding of your child's skill level and a preview of our NNAT study packages. These tests are age-specific for levels A-D and is accompanied by answers and thorough explanations for each question. 

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NNAT Practice Test

Above there are four NNAT sample tests, each of those is meant for a different level. In each test you will find ten questions of various subjects. The kinds of questions you will meet are questions that can appear on an actual NNAT of that level. Make sure you take the sample test that is suitable to your level!

Each NNAT Level has different kinds of questions as follows:

Level Grade Pattern
by Analogy
A Kindergarten    
B Grade 1  
C Grade 2
D Grades 3-4
E Grades 5-6
F Grades 7-9  
G Grades 10-12  

NNAT Sample Questions

 The following sample questions are characteristic to the NNAT test levels A-D that you could find in the actual test.

Pattern Completion

The correct answer is A. Look at the design in the large rectangle while paying attention to the missing square. Which answer choice completes the pattern? 

It appears that the above design is comprised of an octagon with alternating five pointed stars and six pointed stars. Since on either side of the square there are five pointed stars, the answer will be an image which contains a six pointed star. We can eliminate answer choices B and E as they both contain five pointed stars. 

We are left with answer choices A, C, and D. Complete the octagon by extending the diagonal line across the empty square. The line will extend towards the bottom-left corner of the empty square. The right side of the line will be blue and the left side of the line will be white. We are left with answer choice A, as it is the only answer choice which adheres to these characteristics. 

Reasoning by Analogy

The correct answer is A. In the above analogy, look for a relationship between the figures across the rows and down the columns. The direction in which you examine the question should depend on where you can most easily visualize the analogous relationship.

Look at the top row. The left figure is the mirror image of the right figure, flipped horizontally. It is helpful to focus on a specific part of the shape. For example, in the left frame, the top blue square appears in the left corner and in the right frame, the top blue square appears in the right corner.

Now, look at the bottom row. The figures in the bottom row will follow the same rules. The figure on the right will be the mirror image of the figure on the left. The left figure contains a white circle over four squares: yellow in the top-left and bottom-right corners, and blue in the opposite corners. The figure on the right will also contain a white circle over the four squares. The difference will be that the yellow squares will be positioned in the top-right and bottom-left corners, and the blue squares will be positioned in the top-left and bottom-right corners. The correct answer is answer choice A. 

Serial Reasoning

The correct answer is A. Identify the image which completes the pattern by examining how the series of shapes change across the rows and down the columns within the 9-box matrix. The direction in which you examine the question should depend on where you can most easily visualize the relationship. 

In this question, each column contains the same shape. In the first column all of the shapes are triangles. In the second column all of the shapes are circles. In the third column all of the shapes are diamonds. Since the empty square is located in the third column, the answer choice will contain a diamond. We can eliminate answer choices B and E. 

Additionally, each row contains the same shape color and background color. In the first row the shapes are blue and the background color is white. In the second row the shapes are white and the background color is yellow. In the third row the shapes are yellow and the background color is blue. Since the empty square is located in the third row, the shape will be yellow and the background color will be blue. Answer choice A conforms to the above requirements and is the correct answer.

Spatial Visualization

The correct answer is B. In the above design, determine how the figures relate to each other, and apply this relationship to the row with the empty frame. Visualize how the objects might look when rotated, transformed, or combined.

Look at the top row. The left frame contains two arrows outside of the frame, one on the top-right side and one on the bottom-left side. The right frame contains two arrows attached to the same sides but flipped towards the inside of the frame. 

The figures in the bottom row will exhibit the same relationship. Since the left frame contains two triangles on the outer top-left and bottom-right sides of the frame, the right frame will contain two triangles on the inner top-left and bottom-right sides of the frame. Flipping the triangles inwards will result in answer choice B.

NNAT Video Academy

All NNAT Premium Packs now contain the NNAT Video Academy, a five video series designed to explain in detail each of the question types which appear on the NNAT(naglieri nonverbal ability test). See the video below for a preview of this video series.



Purchase any NNAT Premium Pack to continue the NNAT Video Academy.

More NNAT Practice Test from TestPrep-Online

Continue practicing with TestPrep-Online with our comprehensive NNAT study packs. Each pack comes with realistic practice tests, five video tutorials, helpful study guides, and hundreds of additional sample questions.