NNAT Practice Tests: Free Sample Questions

Are you preparing your gifted child for the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT)? Our free NNAT sample questions and NNAT practice test materials are the perfect starting point to familiarize your child with the NNAT test format and question types. These resources are designed to give parents and students a taste of what to expect on the actual NNAT test, helping to boost confidence and identify areas for improvement.

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NNAT Sample Questions Explained

Before you take the NNAT Test you need to know what type of test it is. The NNAT sample questions show four types of thinking tested in NNAT levels A-D. These questions are related because they all test nonverbal reasoning. Students need to look at pictures, find patterns, and think logically without using words or things they already know.

Each type of question uses basic thinking skills but focuses on different parts of visual and abstract reasoning. The questions get harder, starting with simple patterns and moving to more complex spatial problems. Together, these questions thoroughly test a student's nonverbal thinking skills in different ways.

Sample NNAT Questions by Type and Grade Level

Let's explore a sample question for each of the four NNAT test practice question types. We will break each question type down by grade level and show you examples.

NNAT Sample Questions Level A

The NNAT (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test) Level A is designed for kindergarten students and includes two types of questions: Pattern Completion and Reasoning by Analogy12. Let's define each of these question types:

In this type of NNAT test question, you need to identify the missing piece that completes a given pattern. Notice how the pattern alternates between shapes and colors, following a logical sequence. These are the skills that are tested in order to be admitted to gifted and talented programs in schools.  The test taker must recognize a rule or sequence that governs the arrangement of elements. 

Level A Pattern Completion

NNAT Sample Question 1

What is Missing ?






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Here's a step-by-step approach to solving this pattern completion problem:

Step 1: Analyze the main pattern

  • Observe that the large rectangle contains an octagon shape.
  • Notice that the octagon has alternating five-pointed and six-pointed stars on each side.

Step 2: Identify the missing piece

  • Locate the empty square in the bottom-right corner of the octagon. This is where we need to complete the pattern.

Step 3: Count the stars

  • Count five-pointed stars: There are 4 visible in the pattern.
  • Count six-pointed stars: There are 3 visible in the pattern.

Step 4: Determine the missing star type

  • Since there are fewer six-pointed stars, the missing piece should contain a six-pointed star to maintain the alternating pattern.

Step 5: Examine the answer choices

  • Eliminate options B and E as they contain five-pointed stars.
  • Focus on options A, C, and D, which all have six-pointed stars.

Step 6: Consider the orientation

  • The diagonal line in the missing piece should extend from top-right to bottom-left.
  • This line should divide the square diagonally.

Step 7: Check the coloring

  • The right side of the diagonal line should be blue (matching the octagon's exterior).
  • The left side should be white (matching the octagon's interior).

Step 8: Select the correct answer

  • Option A is the only choice that meets all these criteria:
  • It has a six-pointed star.
  • The diagonal line is correctly oriented.
  • The colors are properly placed (blue on the right, white on the left).

Conclusion: The correct answer is A, as it completes the pattern by following all the observed rules of the existing design.

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Level A Reasoning by Analogy

Reasoning by Analogy involves a more complex relationship than Pattern Completion, often requiring you to compare and contrast different sets of figures to find the connection. 

NNAT Sample Question 2

Apply Logic






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A break down the answer for this reasoning by analogy question into more user-friendly steps:

Step 1: Understand the Question

  • We need to find the relationship between figures across rows and down columns.
  • The goal is to determine what figure should replace the empty box in the bottom right.

Step 2: Analyze the Top Row

  • Look at the two figures in the top row.
  • Notice that the right figure is a horizontal mirror image of the left figure.
  • Focus on the blue square: it moves from the left corner to the right corner.

Step 3: Examine the Left Column

  • Compare the top-left figure with the bottom-left figure.
  • Observe that the triangle in the top figure is replaced by a circle in the bottom figure.

The color scheme changes from blue-white to yellow-blue.

Step 4: Apply the Row Relationship to the Bottom Row

  • The bottom-right figure should be a horizontal mirror image of the bottom-left figure.
  • The white circle should remain in the center.
  • The colors of the squares should swap positions horizontally.

Step 5: Predict the Missing Figure

  • It should have a white circle in the center.
  • Yellow squares should be in the top-right and bottom-left corners.
  • Blue squares should be in the top-left and bottom-right corners.

Step 6: Evaluate the Answer Choices

  • Look for a figure that matches our prediction.
  • Eliminate options that don't have a white circle (E).
  • Eliminate options where the color arrangement doesn't match our prediction (B, C, D).

Step 7: Select the Correct Answer

Option A is the only choice that meets all criteria:

  • It has a white circle in the center.
  • Yellow squares are in the top-right and bottom-left corners.
  • Blue squares are in the top-left and bottom-right corners.

Conclusion: The correct answer is A, as it completes the analogy by following the horizontal mirroring pattern observed in the top row, while maintaining the shape and color changes observed in the left column.

These NNAT sample questions require you to understand the relationship between figures and apply that relationship to a new set of figures.Notice how the pattern alternates between shapes and colors, following a logical sequence. These are the skills that are tested in order to be admitted to gifted and talented programs in schools.  The test taker must recognize a rule or sequence that governs the arrangement of elements. 

NNAT Sample Questions Level B

The NNAT (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test) Level B is designed for 1st-grade students and includes three types of questions: Pattern Completion, Reasoning by Analogy, and Serial Reasoning. Let's define each of these question types:

Level B Pattern Completion

Pattern Completion questions on the NNAT Level B assess a child's ability to identify and complete visual patterns and sequences1. In these questions they must analyze the existing parts of the design and understand how they relate to each other. This type of question challenges young learners to think critically and recognize relationships between visual elements

NNAT Sample Question 3

Which answer choice completes the design?






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Let me break down how to solve this pattern question step by step:

First, let's understand what we're looking at:

  • There's a large yellow rectangle with a blue sun-like shape
  • There's a white square missing from the top-right part of the blue circle
  • We need to figure out what pattern should go in that white square

To solve this, we should:

  • Look at how the blue circle extends into the white square
  • Notice that the curve of the circle would naturally continue through that square
  • The curve would go from the bottom-left to the top-right of the missing square

Looking at the answer choices (A through E):

  • Choice A: Has lines going in wrong directions
  • Choice B: Has an angled line pointing the wrong way
  • Choice C: Shows a curve going from bottom-left to top-right ✓
  • Choice D: Has a curve going in the opposite direction
  • Choice E: Has a straight diagonal line instead of a curve

Why C is correct:

  • If you mentally extend the blue circle's curve into the white square
  • The curve would naturally flow from bottom-left to top-right
  • Only option C shows this exact curve pattern
  • The curve in C would perfectly complete the circle shape

Double-check by elimination:

All other options (A, B, D, E) show lines or curves that would break the natural flow of the circle
Only C maintains the circular pattern consistently

Therefore, C is the only answer that would properly complete the circle's curve in a natural way.

Level B Reasoning by Analogy

Reasoning by Analogy questions on the NNAT Level B test a student's ability to recognize relationships between geometric shapes and apply them to new situations

NNAT Sample Question 4

Choose the shape that matches the pattern of the given matrix.






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Let me break down how to solve this pattern question step by step:

  1. First, let's observe the pattern structure:
    • There are 4 squares arranged in a 2x2 grid
    • The first 3 squares are filled, and we need to find the 4th one
    • Each row has its own type of shape (triangles in top row, pentagons in bottom row)
    • Colors alternate between blue background/yellow shape and yellow background/blue shape
  2. Looking at the shapes:
    • Top row: Contains triangles
    • Bottom row: Contains pentagons
    • The missing square should contain a pentagon (since it's in bottom row)
  3. Looking at the color pattern:
    • Left column: Yellow shapes on blue backgrounds
    • Right column: Blue shapes on yellow backgrounds
    • The missing square should have a blue pentagon on yellow background
  4. Looking at shape orientation:
    • The shapes maintain consistent orientation across each row
    • The pentagon should maintain the same orientation as the one in the bottom-left
  5. Analyzing the answer choices:
    • A: Wrong - shows a triangle instead of pentagon
    • B: Correct - shows a blue pentagon on yellow background ✓
    • C: Wrong - shows a triangle instead of pentagon
    • D: Wrong - shows pentagon in wrong orientation
    • E: Wrong - shows wrong color scheme (yellow on blue)
  6. Final verification for B:
    • Correct shape (pentagon) ✓
    • Correct colors (blue shape on yellow background) ✓
    • Correct orientation (matches bottom row) ✓

Therefore, B is the only answer that satisfies all the pattern requirements: correct shape (pentagon), correct colors (blue on yellow), and correct orientation.

Level B Serial Reasoning

Serial Reasoning is a new category of questions introduced in Level B that students completing Level A have not yet encountered. In these questions students are presented with a series of visual elements or shapes that undergo gradual transformations. They must recognize sequences created by shapes and figures. The task is to identify how the sequence changes visually to form logical patterns.

NNAT Sample Question 5

Recognize and Continue Sequences or Patterns






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Here is a break down the reasoning for this serial reasoning question into more user-friendly steps:

Step 1: Understand the Question

  • We need to identify the image that completes the pattern in the 9-box matrix.
  • We should examine how shapes change across rows and down columns.

Step 2: Analyze the Columns

Observe that each column contains the same shape:

  • First column: all triangles
  • Second column: all circles
  • Third column: all diamonds

Step 3: Analyze the Rows

Notice that each row has a consistent shape color and background color:

  • First row: blue shapes on white background
  • Second row: white shapes on yellow background
  • Third row: yellow shapes on blue background

Step 4: Identify the Missing Piece's Location

  • The empty square is in the third column, third row.

Step 5: Determine the Required Shape

  • Since it's in the third column, it must be a diamond.

Step 6: Determine the Required Colors

Being in the third row, it should have:

  • A yellow shape
  • A blue background

Step 7: Evaluate the Answer Choices

  • Eliminate options that aren't diamonds (B and E).
  • Eliminate options that don't have the correct color combination (C and D).

Step 8: Select the Correct Answer

Option A is the only choice that meets all criteria:

  • It's a diamond shape
  • The shape is yellow
  • The background is blue

Conclusion: The correct answer is A, as it's the only option that follows both the column pattern (diamond shape) and the row pattern (yellow shape on blue background).

            Transitioning from Free to Full NNAT Practice Tests

While our free NNAT 3 practice test samples provide a great starting point, comprehensive preparation is key to success on the NNAT. Our full NNAT prep packs offer:

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NNAT Sample Questions Level C

The NNAT (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test) Level C, designed for 2nd-grade students, includes four types of questions: Pattern Completion, Reasoning by Analogy, Serial Reasoning, and Spatial Visualization. 

Level C Pattern Completion

These questions are more complex than in previous levels, challenging students to think critically and recognize relationships between visual elements

These questions test your child's ability to mentally manipulate shapes and understand spatial relationships.Notice how the shapes are rotated or flipped to create the final figure. 

NNAT Sample Question 6

Which answer choice completes the pattern?

Nnat C Patteren Completion 1






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Let me break down how to solve this pattern question step by step:

  1. First, let's understand what we're looking at:
    • A yellow rectangle with blue arrows around the edges
    • A white square is missing in the center bottom
    • The arrows appear to follow a rotational pattern
  2. Let's analyze the arrow pattern:
    • Starting from the top-left corner arrow (pointing down)
    • Moving clockwise around the rectangle
    • Each arrow rotates 90° counterclockwise from the previous arrow
    • This creates a consistent rotational pattern
  3. Let's trace the pattern:
    • Top-left: Arrow points down
    • Top: Arrow points right
    • Top-right: Arrow points up
    • Right side: Arrow points right
    • Bottom-right: Arrow points up
    • Bottom (missing square): Should point down
    • Bottom-left: Arrow points up
    • Left side: Arrow points left
  4. To find the missing arrow:
    • Look at the arrow to the right of the empty square
    • That arrow points left (←)
    • Following the 90° counterclockwise rotation pattern
    • The missing arrow should point down (↓)
  5. Check the answer choices:
    • A: Shows downward pointing arrow ✓
    • B: Shows diagonal arrow
    • C: Shows rightward arrow
    • D: Shows leftward arrow
    • E: Shows upward arrow

Therefore, A is the correct answer because:

  • It shows a downward-pointing arrow
  • This maintains the 90° counterclockwise rotation pattern
  • It's the only option that correctly completes the sequence

Level C Reasoning by Analogy

Reasoning by Analogy questions on the NNAT Level C test a student's ability to recognize and apply analogical relationships among visual elements and shapes.

NNAT Sample Question 7

Choose the shape that matches the pattern of the given matrix.

Nnatc Analogy Question 2






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Let me break down how to solve this pattern question step by step:

  1. First, let's observe the given matrix structure:
    • It's a 2x2 grid
    • Three squares are filled
    • One square is missing (bottom right)
    • Each square contains arrows in different directions and colors
  2. Let's analyze the pattern rules:
    • Left column: Top and bottom squares are identical
      • Both have blue arrow pointing right
      • Both have white arrow pointing down
      • Both have yellow background
    • Right column (top):
      • White arrow pointing up
      • Blue arrow pointing right
      • Yellow background
  3. Understanding the relationship:
    • The pattern shows that figures in the same column should be identical
    • Therefore, the missing square should be identical to the square above it
  4. Missing square should have:
    • White arrow pointing up
    • Blue arrow pointing right
    • Yellow background
  5. Analyzing the answer choices:
    • A: Wrong - blue background, wrong arrow directions
    • B: Wrong - arrows in wrong directions
    • C: Wrong - arrows in wrong directions
    • D: Wrong - arrows in wrong directions
    • E: Correct ✓
      • White arrow pointing up
      • Blue arrow pointing right
      • Yellow background
      • Matches exactly with the square above it

Therefore, E is the correct answer because it maintains the pattern where:

  • It matches exactly with the square above it in the right column
  • Has the correct arrow colors and directions
  • Has the correct background color
  • Follows the established pattern of column repetition

Level C Serial Reasoning

Reasoning by Analogy questions on the NNAT Level C test a student's ability to recognize and apply analogical relationships among visual elements and shapes.The task involves understanding how shapes change across rows and columns in a matrix.

NNAT Sample Question 8

How are the images changing

Nnat C Serial Reasoning 1






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Let me break down how to solve this pattern question step by step:

  1. First, let's analyze the 3x3 grid:
    • Made up of squares with blue arrows pointing in different directions
    • Each square has either a white or blue background
    • One square is missing in the bottom right corner
    • Each row and column has a pattern of arrow directions
  2. Let's identify the arrow patterns in each row:
    • Top row: Right → Up → Diagonal down-right
    • Middle row: Diagonal down-left → Right → Up
    • Bottom row: Up → Diagonal down-right → (missing)
  3. Looking at background colors:
    • First row: White backgrounds
    • Second row: Blue backgrounds
    • Third row: White backgrounds
    • Pattern shows the missing square should have a white background
  4. Pattern of arrow types in each complete row:
    • Each row contains three types of arrows:
      • One pointing right
      • One pointing up
      • One pointing diagonally
  5. Analyzing the bottom row specifically:
    • Already has: Up arrow and diagonal down-right arrow
    • Missing: Right-pointing arrow
    • Must have white background (to match row pattern)
  6. Checking the answer choices:
    • A: Right-pointing arrow on white background ✓
    • B: Diagonal arrow on white background
    • C: Diagonal arrow on blue background
    • D: Up arrow on white background
    • E: Right-pointing arrow on blue background

Therefore, A is correct because:

  • It has the right-pointing arrow (completing the set of three arrow types)
  • It has a white background (matching the pattern of the bottom row)
  • It's the only option that fits both the arrow direction and background color requirements
  • It completes the pattern logically without disrupting the established sequence

Level C Spatial Visualization

Spatial Visualization questions are introduced in NNAT Level C and require students to mentally manipulate shapes. They ask students to visualize how objects might look when rotated, transformed, or combined.

NNAT Sample Question 9

Mentally Manipulate and Visualize Transformations






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A break down the reasoning for this spatial visualization question into more user-friendly steps:

Step 1: Understand the Question

We need to determine how the figures relate to each other.

Apply this relationship to the row with the empty frame.

Visualize how objects might look when rotated, transformed, or combined.

Step 2: Analyze the Top Row

  • Left frame: Two arrows outside the frame
    • One on top-right side
    • One on bottom-left side
  • Right frame: Two arrows inside the frame
    • Attached to the same sides as the left frame
    • Flipped towards the inside

Step 3: Identify the Transformation

  • The arrows are flipped from outside to inside
  • They maintain their position (top-right and bottom-left)
  • The direction of the arrows is reversed

Step 4: Examine the Bottom Row

  • Left frame: Two triangles outside the frame
  • One on top-left side
  • One on bottom-right side

Step 5: Predict the Missing Figure

  • It should have two triangles inside the frame
  • Triangles should be on the top-left and bottom-right sides
  • Triangles should be flipped inwards

Step 6: Evaluate the Answer Choices

  • Look for a figure that matches our prediction
  • Eliminate options that don't have triangles in the correct positions (A, C, D, E)

Step 7: Select the Correct Answer

Option B is the only choice that meets all criteria:

  • Two triangles inside the frame
  • Triangles on top-left and bottom-right sides
  • Triangles flipped inwards

Conclusion: The correct answer is B, as it follows the same transformation pattern observed in the top row - flipping the shapes from outside to inside while maintaining their positions.

NNAT Sample Questions Level D

The NNAT (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test) Level D is designed for 3rd and 4th-grade students and includes four types of questions: Pattern Completion, Reasoning by Analogy, Serial Reasoning, and Spatial Visualization.

Level D Pattern Completion

These questions in Level D challenge students to think critically and recognize relationships between visual elements.

NNAT Sample Question 10

What image is missing






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Let me break down how to solve this pattern question step by step:

  1. First, let's analyze the overall pattern:
    • Four rows of symbols on a blue background
    • Each row has 7 symbols
    • The symbols alternate between "X" and "+" shapes
    • One symbol is missing in the second row
  2. Let's examine the sequence in each row:
    • Pattern: X + X + X + X
    • This exact pattern repeats in all four rows
    • No variation between rows
    • The sequence is consistent and predictable
  3. Looking at the missing spot:
    • It's in the middle of the second row
    • To its left is: X + X +
    • To its right is: + X
    • Based on the pattern, we should expect an "X"
  4. Check the position in the sequence:
    • Count the symbols: 1(X) 2(+) 3(X) 4(+) 5(missing) 6(+) 7(X)
    • Position 5 in every other row has an "X"
    • Therefore, missing symbol must be an "X"
  5. Analyzing the answer choices:
    • A: Shows + symbol - wrong
    • B: Shows X symbol on blue background ✓
    • C: Shows X symbol but wrong background color
    • D: Shows + symbol with wrong background
    • E: Shows two symbols - wrong format

Therefore, B is the correct answer because:

  • It shows an X symbol (matching the sequence pattern)
  • It has the correct blue background color
  • It's a single symbol (correct format)
  • It would maintain the consistent X + X + X + X pattern seen in all rows

Level D Reasoning by Analogy

Reasoning by Analogy questions on the NNAT Level D test a student's ability to recognize and apply analogical relationships among visual elements and shapes.

NNAT Sample Question 11

Note the changes






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The correct answer is B.

Let me break down how to solve this pattern question step by step:

  1. First, let's analyze the top row transformation:
    • From left square to right square:
    • Background changes from yellow to white
    • Triangle at top rotates 180°
    • Square on left moves to right side
    • Center circle changes from blue to yellow
  2. Rules identified:
    • Rule 1: Background color changes (yellow → white)
    • Rule 2: Top shape rotates 180°
    • Rule 3: Side shape moves from left to right
    • Rule 4: Center shape stays in place but changes color (blue → yellow)
  3. Now look at bottom-left square:
    • Has a yellow background
    • Has a blue sector (partial circle) at top
    • Has a blue diamond on left
    • Has a blue triangle in center
  4. Apply the rules to find missing square:
    • Background should change to white
    • Sector at top should rotate 180°
    • Diamond should move from left to right
    • Triangle in center should change from blue to yellow
  5. Check answer choices against these requirements:
    • A: Wrong - shapes not correctly positioned
    • B: Correct ✓
      • White background
      • Rotated sector at top
      • Diamond moved to right
      • Yellow triangle in center
    • C: Wrong - incorrect shape positions
    • D: Wrong - wrong colors and positions
    • E: Wrong - missing shapes

Therefore, B is the correct answer because:

  • It follows all transformation rules from the top row pattern
  • Has the correct background color change
  • Shows proper rotation of the sector
  • Shows correct movement of the diamond
  • Shows correct color change of the central triangle
  • Maintains the same spatial relationships between shapes

Level D Serial Reasoning

Serial Reasoning questions on the NNAT Level D assess a student's ability to recognize sequences and patterns in a series of figures. They are usually in a 3X3 grid.

NNAT Sample Question 12

Visualize the analogous relationship






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Let me break down how to solve this pattern question step by step:

  1. First, let's analyze the pattern grid:
    • 3x3 grid with 8 squares filled and 1 missing
    • Each square has a yellow background
    • Each square contains a white sector (like a "pac-man" shape)
    • The sectors appear to be rotating in a pattern
  2. Let's identify the rotation rules:
    • Across rows (left to right): Sectors rotate 90° clockwise
    • Down columns (top to bottom): Sectors rotate 90° counterclockwise
  3. Looking at the missing square's position:
    • It's in the bottom right corner
    • We can determine its sector position by either:
      • Following the row pattern from the square to its left
      • Following the column pattern from the square above it
  4. Finding the solution:
    • Looking at bottom middle square: sector opens towards bottom-left
    • Following row pattern: should rotate 90° clockwise
    • Therefore: missing sector should open towards top-right
  5. Checking the answer choices:
    • A: Shows sector opening towards top-right ✓
    • B: Wrong rotation direction
    • C: Wrong rotation direction
    • D: Wrong rotation direction
    • E: Completely different shape

Therefore, A is the correct answer because:

  • It shows the sector rotated 90° clockwise from the previous square in its row
  • It maintains the consistent rotation pattern
  • The sector opens towards the top-right corner
  • It matches both the row and column rotation patterns
  • It maintains the same yellow background and white sector style

Level D Spatial Visualization

Spatial Visualization questions on the NNAT Level D require students to manipulate shapes and mentally understand spatial relationships. It requires students to determine how figures relate to each other and apply this relationship to a row with an empty frame.

NNAT Sample Question 13

Sharing the same relation 

Nnatd Spatial Reasoning 2






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Let me break down this pattern puzzle step by step to explain why B is the correct answer.

  1. First, let's understand the key pattern:
    • Looking at the filled boxes, we can see parallelograms (yellow rectangles) that follow a specific relationship
    • The pattern shows how the parallelogram's position changes from left to right in each row
  2. Let's analyze the top row pattern:
    • Left box: Parallelogram is on top, leaning towards the left
    • Right box: Parallelogram is on top, but flips to lean towards the right (inward)
    • This shows a "flip inward" transformation from left to right
  3. Looking at the bottom row:
    • Left box: Has a parallelogram on the left side
    • Empty box: Should follow the same "flip inward" rule as the top row
  4. To find the answer:
    • We need a parallelogram that takes the shape from the bottom-left box
    • And flips it inward, just like what happened in the top row
    • The parallelogram should end up on the right side of the box
  5. Examining the answer choices (A through E):
    • Option B shows the parallelogram on the right side
    • It's flipped inward, matching the same transformation we saw in the top row
    • It maintains the same size and proportions as the original parallelogram
  6. Verification:
    • If we place answer B in the empty spot:
    • Both rows now show the same pattern of transformation
    • The parallelograms consistently flip inward from left to right
    • The relationships between boxes are consistent in both rows

Therefore, B is the correct answer as it follows the established pattern of inward flipping transformation that we see in the top row.

Analyzing Your Performance on Free NNAT Sample Questions

After completing the free NNAT sample questions, take time to analyze your child's performance:

  • Which question types were most challenging?
  • How long did it take to complete each NNAT test practice question?
  • Were there any patterns in the incorrect answers?
  • Use these insights to guide your further preparation efforts.
  • Boost your NNAT scores.

Additional Free NNAT Practice Tests

To further support your child's NNAT preparation, we offer free practice pages for different NNAT levels:

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Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test Resources for All Age Groups

Whether your child is in kindergarten or high school, we have NNAT prep materials tailored to their specific level and needs. Our resources cover 4 NNAT levels (A through D), ensuring comprehensive preparation for early access to gifted test prep. 

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How to Use These Free NNAT Sample Questions Effectively

To make the most of our free NNAT sample questions, follow these tips:

  • Create a quiet, distraction-free environment similar to the actual test setting.
  • Time your child's practice sessions to simulate test conditions.
  • Encourage your child to explain their reasoning for each NNAT3 answer.
  • Review incorrect answers together to understand areas that need more focus.

Want More NNAT Questions?

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Start Your NNAT Journey Today

Don't let the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test intimidate your gifted child. With the right NNAT practice test, they can showcase their true potential and open doors to advanced educational opportunities. Ready to give your child the best chance of success on the NNAT?

Remember, effective preparation is the key to confidence and success on test day. Start your child's NNAT journey with our free NNAT Sample questions, and when you're ready for more in-depth practice, our full NNAT practice tests are just a click away. Give your gifted child the tools they need to shine on the NNAT!