Free NNAT Practice: Level B Sample Test (1st Grade)

Get a peek at TestPrep-Online's study packages with our free NNAT Level B Diagnostic Test. The sample test covers all sections of the exam and is designed to help your child figure which topics to focus on.

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Here are examples of the three question types found on the NNAT Level B (1st Grade):

  • Pattern Completion: Similar to Level A but may involve slightly more complex patterns.
  • Reasoning by Analogy: Again, similar to Level A but with increased complexity.
  • Serial Reasoning: Introduced at this level, requiring students to identify sequences of shapes or figures and determine the next item in the sequence.

Level B introduces Serial Reasoning, adding a new dimension to the test that challenges first graders' ability to recognize sequences

NNAT Sample Reasoning by Analogy Question Level B

Reasoning by Analogy

Choose the shape that matches the pattern of the given matrix.

Nnat Analogy Question 1






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The correct answer is A

Look at the top row. The left figure is the mirror image of the right figure, flipped horizontally. It is helpful to focus on a specific part of the shape.

For example, in the left frame, the top blue square appears in the left corner, and in the right frame, the top blue square appears in the right corner.

Now, look at the bottom row. The figures in the bottom row will follow the same rules. The figure on the right will be the mirror image of the figure on the left. The left figure contains a white circle over four squares: yellow in the top-left and bottom-right corners, and blue in the opposite corners.

The figure on the right will also contain a white circle over the four squares. The difference will be that the yellow squares will be positioned in the top-right and bottom-left corners, and the blue squares will be positioned in the top-left and bottom-right corners. The correct answer is answer choice A.


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NNAT Sample Serial Reasoning Question Level B

Serial Reasoning

Identify the image that completes the pattern by examining how the series of shapes change across the rows and down the columns within the matrix. Where you can most easily visualize the relationship will determine the direction in which you examine the question.

Serial Reasoning 2






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The matrix is composed of three types of figures and three background colors. Across the rows, the top row contains a blue background, the middle row contains a yellow background, and the bottom row contains a white background.

We can eliminate answer choice C as it contains a blue background. Additionally, the bottom row contains yellow figures. We can eliminate answer choices A and B, as they contain blue figures.

Notice that each row and column contain one of each types of figures (a square with two diagonal lines, a square with a horizontal and vertical line, and a diamond with a horizontal and vertical line).

The right column and bottom row each include a diamond with a horizontal and vertical line and a square with two diagonal lines. Thus, the answer choice will contain a square with a horizontal and vertical line. We are left with answer choice E.

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Each NNAT study pack comes with three realistic full-length practice tests, detailed study guides, and hundreds of sample questions. Furthermore, all Premium Packs include additional features such as the NNAT Video Academy, a five video series designed to explain in detail each of the question types which appear on the NNAT. 

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