SCAT Test Scores

Remember: Level-specific SCAT scores remain valid until the student reaches the next one (i.e. intermediate or advanced), so it's worthwhile being properly prepared. Keep reading to learn about:

- Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) SCAT scoring & interpretation

- How to read CTY SCAT score profiles

- CTY score requirements 

- SCAT prepping tips & resources

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If your child needs to retake the SCAT to improve his or her score, you may find our Family Membership helpful. With our Family Membership, your child will be able to practice all the SCAT levels - Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced, with full-length accurate SCAT simulations, detailed solutions, practice quizzes, and study guides.

How is the SCAT Test Scored?

The CTY SCAT scores are calculated in three steps: 

Raw Score. The raw score is calculated by tallying the total number of questions answered correctly out of the 50 scored questions. For example, if a child correctly answered 27 out of 50 questions, his or her raw score is 27/50. 

Scaled Score. Once the raw score is calculated, it is converted into a common scaled score. This is what allows administrators to properly compare various scores to each other. Scaled scores range from 400 to 514, according to the test version. The purpose of a scaled score is to compare a student’s score to other students within his or her grade level. Scaled scores are finally converted into SCAT Score Percentiles

  Elementary Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level
Verbal Range 400-471 405-487 410-496
Quantitative Range 412-477 417-506 424-514

SCAT Percentiles. The SCAT percentile is used to compare students’ academic abilities to those of students in higher grades. Since the SCAT is an above grade level test, students take a test designed for higher grades and the scaled scores are compared to performance norms of students in higher grades. For example, a 2nd and 3rd grade student takes the Elementary SCAT version, designed for 3rd - 6th graders and their scores are compared to the norms of 4th and 5th grade students, respectively.

How is Each Grade Scored?

  • 2nd graders are compared to 4th graders.
  • 3rd graders are compared to 5th graders.
  • 4th graders are compared to 6th graders.
  • 5th graders are compared to 8th graders.
  • 6th graders are compared to 9th graders.
  • 7th graders are compared to 12th graders.
  • 8th graders are compared to 12th graders.

What Score Does My Child Need to Be Accepted to the JHU CTY Programs?


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Understanding SCAT Score Percentile Placement

Below are examples of possible opportunities offered to students based on percentile placement:

50th Percentile and Above

  • Receiving enrichment material to gain in-depth understanding of class material
  • Being considered for Gifted & Talented Programs within his or her school
  • Being considered for several other Gifted & Talented Programs outside his or her school

75th Percentile and Above

  • All of the above benefits
  • Getting the opportunity to work with a mentor and/or tutor
  • Receiving the adjusted level of instruction and pacing in the classroom

90th Percentile and Above

  • All of the above benefits
  • Working alongside older students
  • Starting courses earlier than usual (such as Algebra 1)
  • Having arrangements made with school to take specific CTY courses

*Score interpretations taken from the CTY Johns Hopkins University Website.

Tips for Strengthening SCAT Scores

  • Know thy student. Every student’s method of studying is different. Take the time to accurately get to know your child’s ideal studying method. Start perhaps with a learning style quiz. Once you know how your child learns best, sitting down to prepare for the test will be far easier and far more enjoyable.
  • Keep a studying routine. Routine is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a regular flow of knowledge for your child to accumulate. Maintaining a set time for studying every day will help your child become accustomed to the mindset necessary to learn.
  • Talk with your child’s teachers. No one understands your child’s academic performance better than his or her teachers. To better pinpoint what to prioritize during the preparation process, take the time to ask your child’s instructors, teachers, and tutors about specific academic strengths and weaknesses.
  • Choose your weapons. Sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin, or better yet how to begin. What do you do when you know what to study, but not how to study it? Having the right tools at hand is a great way to avoid this feeling. TestPrep-Online offers plenty of practice material to guide your child through the prepping process, including sample questions and detailed explanations. 

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  • Prep for the math section with the SCAT's structure in mind. Remember how the SCAT quantitative section differs from other forms of math testing; students are required to compare which of two quantities is greater. Try, therefore, to present problems to your child in the same way as the test. This is yet another way to ensure optimal familiarization with the examination.
  • Prep for the SCAT Verbal Section by bulking up on vocabulary. Keep a dictionary around and encourage your child to ask questions to learn more about word definitions and explanations. Implement themes such as word of the day, or even root of the day, to cover more material.
  • Provide nutritious studying fuel. Health throughout college equals a wealth of knowledge. This applies to any age and any grade, so bring on those veggies, fruit, nuts, and legumes, and keep the brain happily focused!

Practice for the SCAT Test with TestPrep-Online

In order to succeed on the SCAT, it is important to set aside time to properly prepare. TestPrep-Online offers SCAT Practice Packs for all levels. Get practice tests, quizzes, explanations, and study guides!