Free NNAT Practice: Level C Sample Test (2nd Grade)

Want to know where your child stands with the NNAT Level C? Start by having them take our short 10-question diagnostic Level C NNAT Test, which can be completed online and covers each section of the test.

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Sample Test Preview

The sample test can be accessed via the red button that appears on the right side of the screen, it contains ten questions that are suitable to the NNAT Level C test. Below there are different types of questions that can appear in the NNAT Level C test. Read the instructions before you start solving the questions. 

Reasoning by Analogy

1. Choose the shape that matches the pattern of the given matrix

Nnatc Analogy Question 1






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The correct answer is C.

In the above analogy, look for a relationship between the figures across the rows and down the columns. The direction in which you examine the question should depend on where you can most easily visualize the analogous relationship.

Look at the top row. The figure on the left contains a yellow rectangle on top of a blue triangle, while the figure on the right contains a yellow triangle on top of a blue rectangle. The colors and positions of the shapes have been switched.

The figures in the bottom row will exhibit the same relationship. Since the figure on the left is a blue hexagon on top of a yellow semicircle, the figure on the right will be a blue semicircle on top of a yellow hexagon (answer choice C).


2. Choose the shape that matches the pattern of the given matrix.

Nnatc Analogy Question 2






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The correct answer is E.

In the above analogy, look for a relationship between the figures across the rows and down the columns.

The direction in which you examine the question should depend on where you can most easily visualize the analogous relationship.

Look at the left column. The top figure is identical to the bottom figure, as both contain a blue arrow pointing to the right and a white arrow pointing downward, on a yellow background. The figures in the right column will exhibit the same relationship.

Since the top figure is a blue arrow pointing to the right and a white arrow pointing downward on a yellow background, the bottom figure will be exactly the same. Thus, the correct answer is answer choice E.


Reasoning by Analogy Summary:

The NNAT Level C prep pack contains 150+ of this section with video lessons. The prep pack comes with detailed explanations and tips that will ensure your child will have the confidence they need to tackle this section on testing day.

Pattern Completion

1. Which answer choice completes the pattern?

Nnat C Patteren Completion 1






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The correct answer is A.

Look at the design in the large rectangle while paying attention to the missing square. Which answer choice completes the pattern?

Look at the arrow in the top-left corner of the large rectangle. As you move clockwise around the sides of the rectangle, each blue arrow rotates 90 degrees counterclockwise.

Rotating the arrow to the right of the empty square 90 degrees counterclockwise will result in a vertical blue arrow pointing downwards.

Notice that only part of the arrow is missing. The only answer choice that conforms to these properties is answer choice A.


2. Which answer choice completes the pattern?

Nnat C Patteren Completion 2






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The correct answer is C. Look at the design in the large rectangle while paying attention to the missing square. Which answer choice completes the pattern?

Imagine extending the arrows into the empty square. The top of the square will contain two parts of the two incomplete yellow arrows while the bottom of the square will contain two parts of the two incomplete blue arrows. The only image that conforms to these requirements is answer choice C.


Pattern Completion Summary:

The NNAT Level C prep pack contains 150+ Pattern completion questions + a video tutorial on this section. The prep pack comes with intricate explanations and tips that will ensure your child will ace this section of the NNAT Level C.

Serial Reasoning

1. Identify the image that completes the pattern by examining how the series of shapes change across the rows and down the columns within the matrix. Where you can most easily visualize the relationship will determine the direction in which you examine the question.

Nnat C Serial Reasoning 1






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The correct answer is D. There are three types of shapes in the above figure: a square with diagonal lines, a square with a horizontal and vertical line, and a diamond with a horizontal and vertical line. Each row and column contains one of each type of figures.

Since the right column and bottom row do not contain a square with a horizontal and vertical line, the answer choice will contain this type of figure. We can eliminate answer choice B.

Additionally, across the rows, there is a pattern associated with the colors. In the first row, the background color is blue and the figures are white.

In the second row, the background color is yellow and the figures are blue. In the third row, the background color is white and the figures are yellow. We can eliminate answer choices A and C, as they do not contain white backgrounds and yellow figures.

In the matrix, each frame contains a circle. The color of the circle depends on the column. The circles in the right column are white, the circles in the middle column are blue, and the circles in the last column are yellow. We are left with answer choice D as the correct answer.


2. Identify the image which completes the pattern by examining how the series of shapes change across the rows and down the columns within the matrix. Where you can most easily visualize the relationship will determine the direction in which you examine the question.

Nnat C Serial Reasoning 2






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The correct answer is E. Pay attention to the three columns in the box. In the left column there are three plus signs, in the middle column there are three equal signs, and in the right column there are three multiplication signs.

Since the empty frame is in the right column, we know that the answer choice will have a multiplication sign. We can eliminate answer choices B, C, and D, as they do not have multiplication signs.

We are left with answer choices A and E.

Now look across the rows. What pattern do you see? Pay attention to the colors. The top row contains blue figures on a yellow background, the middle row contains yellow figures on a white background, and the bottom row contains white figures on a blue background.

Since the empty frame is in the bottom row, our answer choice will contain a white sign on a blue background. We are left with answer choice E.


Serial Reasoning Summary:

The NNAT Level C prep pack contains 150+ of the Serial Reasoning section with accompanied video lessons. The prep pack comes with detailed study guides and score reports that will make sure your child will breeze through this section on testing day.

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At TestPrep-Online, we offer test preparation services that are fully available online. This online format allows you to access our study materials at your convenience. Study with your child where you want and when you want, without worrying about the added hassles of expensive classes or private tutors. Our study materials are easy to use, child-friendly, and specifically designed to help your child succeed. Start practicing with TestPrep-Online today with our free sample test for a free glimpse of what our study packs have to offer.

Each NNAT study pack comes with three realistic full-length practice tests, detailed study guides, and hundreds of sample questions. Furthermore, all Premium Packs include additional features such as the NNAT Video Academy, a five video series designed to explain in detail each of the question types which appear on the NNAT. See the video below for a preview of this video series.


To continue with the NNAT Video Academy, purchase any NNAT Premium Pack.