Prepare with our Updated ATI TEAS exam Practice Tests! Are you about to take the TEAS? TestPrep-Online's Teas practice test can help you score higher. Our online TEAS practice test mirror real TEAS content, and include detailed explanations per question and score reports. Choose your pack and start practicing now.
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Watch this short video to learn what you need about the ATI TEAS 7 (the newest version of the test):
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Perfect one area at a time
2 Full Reading Tests
216 quiz questions
2 Full English Tests
195 quiz questions
2 Full Math Tests
190 quiz questions
2 Full Science Tests
132 quiz questions
The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is an exam administered by ATI and used as an admission tool to many nursing school programs in the United States. The exam evaluates students' knowledge that would be relevant in nursing school. It comprises four sections: Reading, Math, Science, and English and Language Usage. The TEAS is a crucial part of a student's application process for nursing schools; that is why it is essential to get a high score on the test to increase your likelihood of getting accepted into your preferred program.
The ATI TEAS Version 7 exam consists of 170 total questions and has a time limit of 209 minutes. Here are the key details about the exam structure:
The Reading section consists of short paragraphs or text passages. You may be asked to identify argument structures or key themes and ideas within the passage. In addition, you may be asked to make inferences based on the passages or to identify the author’s objective. You may have to distinguish between different types of sources or to decipher whether statements are inherently objective or subjective.
In the Math section, you are presented with questions on ratios, proportions, percentages, and some algebraic expressions. You may be asked to analyze data presentations and answer questions concerning units of measurement. You must be able to perform basic arithmetic quickly and comfortably.
In the TEAS Science section, you are asked questions about the human body, specific processes, and the independent and cooperative function of the different systems within the body. You must demonstrate scientific reasoning abilities and may be asked questions on general processes of chemistry and physics, the natural world, and biology.
In the English and Language Usage section, questions focus on grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling. You are required to demonstrate your comprehension of a passage, identify the tone, and choose a better sentence order to express an idea. You must demonstrate an understanding of a word’s specific meaning within its unique context and in relation to prefixes, suffixes, and position within a sentence.
Remember, aiming for a TEAS score higher than the minimum can make you a more competitive applicant. If you don't achieve your target score initially, you can typically retake the TEAS exam to improve your results
Yes. The TEAS test is a difficult test for many. It requires good preparation across all four subjects as well as preparation for the test style. Applicants tend to struggle with specific modules, such as the Science section or the English and Language Usage section. The time limit is tough, and every unanswered question is a lost point.
Free TEAS practice tests can help you improve your TEAS test score, but extensive TEAS test prep is needed to help you meet the minimum grades required by schools across all the different subjects. Should you be unhappy with your score, you may find that options to retake the TEAS test are limited. Some schools require a period of 14, 30, or 90 days between attempts while others will limit the number of times you can take the test in an academic year.
Thus, TEAS test practice is key to achieving the score you want.
The ATI TEAS is a challenging test, and in order to get accepted into your desired nursing program, you will need to practice a lot, but besides that, there are other things you can do to increase your chances of getting a high score on the test:
With so many different employment routes and opportunities, obtaining a nursing qualification is the best way to advance your professional career and find an exciting role that suits you. TestPrep-Online works with test-writing experts, teachers, and psychologists to create an online ATI TEAS practice test, designed to help you ace your ATI TEAS exam. We offer several TEAS practice packs, all of which include like-for-like questions, detailed answer explanations, and score reports. We also provide a free TEAS practice test.
Looking for free TEAS Practice test questions? We have a selection for you to check out.
To register for the TEAS exam, follow these steps:
Check School Requirements
First, contact the nursing school(s) you're applying to and inquire about their specific TEAS registration policy. Some schools handle registration and payment through their own systems, while others use ATI for test registration, payment, and proctoring.
Registration Options
Depending on your school's requirements, you have several registration options:
School-Handled Registration
Approximately 50% of schools manage TEAS exam registration through their own website or admissions department. In this case: Register, pay, and take the TEAS through your school
ATI-Handled Registration
If your school directs you to register through ATI, you have four options:
TEAS Online at Institution:
TEAS at Institution:
Registration Process
To register through ATI:
Important Considerations
Allow at least 6 weeks for exam preparation
By following these steps and considering your school's specific requirements, you can successfully register for the TEAS exam and take an important step towards your nursing education.
Students are allowed to take the TEAS exam up to 3 times in the span of a twelve month period. Ask your desired nursing program for more information.
The average passing score for the TEAS is between 65%-75%, but the passing score varies from school to school, so you should check with your applied school what is their required score for admission.
You are not allowed to use a personal calculator but you will be given a four-function calculator both in the online exam (built-in calculator) and the physical exam.
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