iReady Reading Scores Explained

The iReady Reading score helps teachers understand your child's reading abilities and where they stand compared to their grade level. By understanding these scores, you can have more informed conversations with your child's teachers about their progress and how to support their learning at home.

This article explains what those iReady Reading scores mean and how they can help your child improve. The i-Ready test doesn't just give an overall score. It looks at different skills within reading like vocabulary and comprehension. This helps teachers know exactly where your child might need extra help or where they're excelling. 

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Components of the iReady Reading Report

Atter taking the iReady Reading Test the iReady Reading report is compiled using the following indicators: 

  • Overall Reading Level: iReady Reading scores indicate whether a student is reading below, at, or above grade level. 
  • Grade-Level Placement: This score in the iReady shows how a student is doing compared to other students at their grade level.
  • Domain-Specific Performance: Scores are broken down into key reading domains such as Phonological Awareness, Phonics, High-Frequency Words, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. This granular view helps identify specific areas where a student excels or needs additional support.
  • Lexile Measures: iReady Reading scores include Lexile measures, which provide a scientific approach to measuring reading ability and text complexity. This helps in selecting appropriate reading materials that match a student's current level while encouraging growth. 
  • Fluency and Comprehension: The assessment provides insights into both a student's reading fluency and their ability to understand and analyze text, giving a well-rounded picture of their reading skills. 
  • Growth Tracking: iReady sets growth measures for reading, allowing educators and parents to monitor a student's progress in literacy skills over time.

We will focus on the Grade-Level Placement score. This shows where your child stands compared to their grade level. 

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Understanding iReady Reading Test Scores

The iReady Score Chart 

The score goes from 100 to 800. It gets higher as your child gets older. Each grade has a score range. 

Grade Below Grade Level  Early On Grade Level  two levels below Mid Grade Level  one level below Late Grade Level  at grade level Above Grade Level 
K 100-361 362-395  396-423  424-479  480+ 
1 100-434  435-472  473-496  497-536  537+ 
2 100-488  489-522  523-544  545-580  581+ 
3 100-510  511-544  545-565  566-601  602+ 
4 100-556  557-587  588-608  609-636  637+ 
5 100-581  582-609  610-629  630-657  658+ 
6 100-607  608-634  635-653  654-682  683+ 
7 100-626  627-652  653-671  672-700  701+ 
8 100-641  642-666  667-685  686-713  714+ 
9 100-653  654-678  679-697  698-725  726+ 
10 100-665  666-689  690-708  709-735  736+ 
11 100-675  676-699  700-718  719-744  745+ 
12 100-684  685-708  709-727  728-752  753+ 

What's a Good iReady Reading Score?

A score between 566 and 601 means a 3rd grader is on track! If the test is taken early in the year, scores may be lower. Scores should be higher by the end of the year.

The iReady Reading Score Report puts students into three groups based on their performance:

  • On or Above Grade Level (Late Grade Level)
  • One Grade Below (Mid Grade Level)
  • Two or More Grades Below (Early On and Below Grade Level)

This system helps teachers identify which students are on track and which might need additional support. When combined with the iReady Maths Scores, teachers and parents have an overall understanding of a child's strengths and weaknesses.

Interpreting iReady Reading Diagnostic Scores

What These Placements Mean:

  • If your child is at Mid Grade Level or above, they're on track. They might even be ready for more challenging work.
  • If your child is at Early On Grade Level, they're doing okay but might need some extra help in specific areas.
  • If your child is Below Grade Level, they'll likely need extra support to catch up. Don't worry - the test helps identify exactly what areas they need help with.

Implications for Learning: 

After taking the iReady Test teachers analyse the results to inform lesson planning. They might decide 

  • For children at or above grade level, teachers might provide more challenging material. 
  • For children below grade level, teachers will likely focus on filling in skill gaps and providing extra support. 

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Tracking Progress with iReady Reading Scores

Growth Over Time:

The test can be taken multiple times during the school year along with the iReady Math Test. This allows you and the teachers to see how your child is improving over time.


  • Early in the school year, scores might be lower. They typically improve as the year progresses.
  • This test is one tool among many that teachers use. It doesn't define your child's intelligence or potential.
  • The goal is to help your child grow, no matter where they start.


iReady Reading scores provide insights into your child's reading abilities compared to their grade level. They assess skills like vocabulary, comprehension, phonics, and more. These scores help teachers and parents identify areas where a child excels and where they may need extra support.

The Grade-Level Placement score in iReady compares a student's performance to their peers at the same grade level. It categorizes students into groups such as On or Above Grade Level, One Grade Below, or Two or More Grades Below, based on their reading proficiency.

Parents should use the iReady Reading Score Report to understand their child's strengths and weaknesses in reading. If their child is on track or above grade level, they may explore more challenging materials. For those below grade level, the report helps identify specific areas needing improvement, guiding targeted support and interventions.