OLSAT Quantitative Reasoning

What type of math do students need to know for the OLSAT? Learn about the Quantitative Reasoning section of the test and the different questions it includes.

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What is the OLSAT Quantitative Reasoning Test?

One of the subheadings in the OLSAT Nonverbal section is Quantitative Reasoning. Specifically, this sections assesses the ability to:

  • Infer and understand relationships with numbers
  • Deduce and use computational rules in context.

There are three question types within the Pictorial Reasoning category.

Quantitative Reasoning Question Types

Number SeriesD-GThese questions assess the ability to understand the pattern in a sequence of numbers or letters and the ability to fill in a missing item in the series.
Numeric InferenceD-GNumeric Inference questions test the ability to understand relationships between numbers and number groupings.
Number MatrixD-GThese questions assess the ability to fill in the missing number in a matrix made up of entirely of numbers. Matrices are 3X3 grids (9 total boxes) which have sequences and patterns that run horizontally and vertically. Each matrix will have a blank square, which will have to be filled in with the correct number to complete the pattern.

OLSAT Question Types

Verbal ComprehensionPictorial Reasoning
Following DirectionsPicture Classification
AntonymsPicture Analogies
Sentence CompletionPicture Series
Sentence ArrangementFigural Reasoning
Verbal ReasoningFigural Classification
Aural ReasoningFigural Analogies
Arithmetic ReasoningPattern Matrix
Logical SelectionFigural Series
Word/Letter MatrixQuantitative Reasoning
Verbal AnalogiesNumber Series
Verbal ClassificationNumeric Inference
InferenceNumber Matrix

How to Prepare for the OLSAT

Many schools use the OLSAT as an admission test to gifted and talented programs. Practice has been shown to improve the results significantly and reflect your child's abilities much better. Therefore, it is important to prepare for the OLSAT. Our website offers full practice packs for all OLSAT levels.

Help your child start preparing today with TestPrep-Online, allowing him/her to perform his/her best on the OLSAT Test. Our all-inclusive OLSAT practice packs include the OLSAT Video Academy, available with most premium packs and levels, as well as study guides, and full-length practice tests.

Tips for Strengthening OLSAT Quantitative Scores

  •  Build a study plan and lead a routine. No matter how old your child is, a plan and a routine help both children and teenagers when studying. Your child will always know what to do and will be more confident on the day of the test, knowing he or she has completed all the tasks. Involve your child in building the plan and help him or her stick to the routine. Praise good study habits, such as studying before a leisure activity and not after, taking short breaks, focusing on the correct points, reading the explanations, etc.
  • Remind your child to be optimistic. If you are optimistic, your child will be optimistic. Remind your child it is fine not to know the answer and that practice makes perfect. The more your child practices, the better his or her results will be. While practicing it is perfectly fine to answer a question incorrectly. Of course, it is important to find the mistake and learn from it.
  • Go through the explanations carefully. Our website offers a fully-detailed, step-by-step explanation for each question. If your child answers a question incorrectly, it is necessary to read the explanation carefully and find the exact mistake your child made. Even if your child answers a question correctly, it is still important to read the explanation, compare the methods used to solve it, and learn new methods and details. Do not skip the explanations.
  • Encourage your child to focus on his or her weaknesses. Practice makes perfect. The only way to improve your child's weaker spots is through practice, although children sometimes try to avoid those challenging topics. Our prep packs offer abundant practice in every relevant topic. Your child might need help and guidance from you to know what to focus on - encourage him or her to practice those subjects he or she finds more challenging.
  • Practice every topic. While guiding your child to practice subjects he or she finds challenging is cruicial, as explained before, it is also important to practice those subjects that are easier for him or her. That is because the phrase "practice makes perfect" is always accurate: the real test contains questions of varying difficulty, and it is therefore highly recommended to go through every type of question and gain tools for the more difficult ones.
  • Encourage healthy easing and sleeping habits. Nutritious food and a good night's sleep have been proven to improve students' academic achievements. Encourage your child to eat vegetables, fruit, and complex carbohydrates, and avoid sweets, which might hurt his or her concentration levels. Also make sure he or she gets enough sleep, especially before the test.
  • Get as much information as possible about the test. Let your child have that information too. If your child comes to the test knowing what to expect, he or she will be more confident and perform better.