Free 4th Grade MAP Growth Test Practice

The MAP Growth for 4th Grade is an internationally recognized assessment test designed to track each student's academic progress and focuses on the student's abilities in language usage, reading, and math. It has become a popular diagnostic tool for students with gifted abilities, as well as a means of tracking academic growth for all students. High scores on the MAP can therefore boost your child's chances of a brighter academic future.

A high MAP score can give your fourth grader the opportunity to achieve further academic success.

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4th Grade MAP Sample Questions

We will now look at some examples of questions from each topic on the MAP in order to give you a better idea of what each subject-specific test looks like. Let us begin with the math section.

4th Grade MAP Math Sample Questions

This installment of the MAP Growth presents you with 40-43 word problems, number problems, or other questions using visual stimuli, asked in a variety of different formats, such as multiple choice, drag and drop, complete the chart, etc. The topics included in the test are: 

  • Number Sense - expressing numbers with concrete representation such as foods or partially filled-in shapes
  • Problem-Solving - basic operations, fractions and decimals
  • Algebraic Concepts - finding patterns and solving operations with missing numbers
  • Geometry - classifying shapes and their properties, identifying symmetry, and applying other geometric rules
  • Measurementestimating, calculating, and converting measurements such as weight, distance, perimeter, and area 
  • Data - analyzing charts, using mean, median, mode, and range, and calculating basic proportions 

Math Question 1: Problem Solving

A supermarket packed 60 eggs into four egg boxes, split equally. How many eggs were in three boxes?





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The correct answer is (D).

This is a question involving rates. There were the same number of eggs packed in each box. If there were 60 eggs in four boxes, then divide 60 by four to find the number of eggs in one box: 60 ÷ 4 = 15 eggs. Thus, there were three boxes each containing 15 eggs.

To find the total, either add up 15 + 15 + 15 or calculate 15 x 3 = 45 eggs.

Therefore, the correct answer is (D).

Math Question 2 : Algebraic Concepts

A number pattern starts with 12 and ends with 39. Which rule is suitable for this pattern?






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The correct answer is (E).

Check the answer choices:

Answers (A) and (B): 12, 2, and 4 are even numbers. If you add up even numbers, the result will always be even. 39 is an odd number and cannot be reached by adding up even numbers. Thus, these answer choices can be eliminated.

Answer (C): Skip count by 5s, starting from 12:

Map 4Th Grade Q2

You can see that counting by 5s skips 39. Thus, this answer choice can be eliminated.

Answer (D): Skip count by 7s, starting from 12:

Map 4Th Grade Q2 A2

You can see that counting by 7s skips 39. Thus, this answer choice can be eliminated.

Answer (E): Skip count by 9s, starting from 12:

Map 4Th Grade Q2 a3


If you are having trouble finding the answer, see if the answer choices can help. Since you are not limited in time, you can go through each option and see if it works. 

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Math Question 3: Geometry

Which of the following triangles is an isosceles triangle?





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The correct answer is (B).

An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two equal angles. Check the answer choices:

Answer (A): There are three different angles.
Answer (B): There are two equal angles (72°).
Answer (C): There are three different angles.
Answer (D): There are three different angles.

Answer choice (B) is the only triangle with two equal angles.

Therefore, answer (B) is the correct answer.

Math Question 4: Measurement

Which item weighs approximately a gram?





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The correct answer is (C).

In this question, you are not expected to know the exact weights of items, but you should use what you know to be able to eliminate wrong answers.
A gram is the weight of items like a raisin, a paperclip, or the cap of a ballpoint pen. A stick of gum weighs roughly the same as these items. All the other answer choices are too heavy.
Answer (A): An average apple weighs around 85 grams. Hence, this answer is incorrect.
Answer (B): A can of cola can weighs roughly 350 grams. Hence, this answer is incorrect.
Answer (D): A cellphone can weigh between 80 grams and 150 grams, roughly. Hence, this answer is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

Solving Tip: To become familiar with weights of household items, it is useful to weigh fruits and vegetables at the supermarket and check the backs of packets to see how heavy 100 grams feels. Looking at pasta packets, cereal packets, biscuit packets, and so on are all useful.


You don’t need to memorize exact measurements. Go over with your kids which units of measurement are used for what, and which ranges are considered a lot or a little. Give them some examples of everyday objects and how much they weigh and how big they are, as well as common distances between different places and how long it maight take to get from one to the other. 

4th Grade MAP Reading Sample Questions

The Reading test includes 40-43 questions, and it aims to assess your reading comprehension skills as well as your ability to analyze written text. You will be presented with written stimuli, such as single sentences, instructional excerpts, passages from text, and more, followed by multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, or numerous other question types aimed to assess your analysis of the text. The nature of the questions can be divided into analyzing literary texts such as stories or poems, analyzing informational texts such as educational articles or advertisements, and word meaning questions, including using context clues and recognizing affixes. 

Reading Question 1 – literary text

Read the poem.
by Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

What is the theme of this poem?





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The correct answer is (B).

A theme is the central message conveyed through the writing. The theme can be found by focusing on key words and ideas mentioned in the poem. The poem discusses the loveliness of trees, using descriptions of robins, snow, and rain. Based on this information, it can be inferred that the theme of this poem is related to nature. The best option that fits this theme is praising nature's beauty. Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

Answer (A) is incorrect because even though the poem does mention birds ("robins"), this is only a minor detail in the poem.

Answer (C) is incorrect because even though the poem mentions summer, it does not focus on the benefits of summerthroughout the poem.

Answer (D) is incorrect because the poem refers to weather-related descriptions—snow and rain—in a positive way, and does not criticize them.


Try reading the question first so that you know what to look for while reading the passage. 

Reading Question 2 – informational text

Read the passage.

Antarctica, where the South Pole is located, is the coldest place in the world. The average temperature in Antarctica is below zero. About 98% of Antarctica is covered by thick ice. Antarctica is also the driest place on earth. In fact, it is considered a desert because it only gets 200 millimeters of rainfall (or snow) per year.
Antarctica is very big: its area is 14 million square kilometers. It is bigger than Europe, and it is almost twice the size of Australia. However, while millions of people live in Australia, there are no permanent human residents in Antarctica. The first people arrived at Antarctica in the 19th century. Nowadays, 1,000 to 5,000 people spend time in Antarctica every year, living and working at research stations.
While there are hardly any humans in Antarctica, there are various animals living there, including several species of penguins, seals, and whales. There are also a few plants, mainly ice algae. Studies indicate that millions of years ago, Antarctica’s climate was a lot warmer, and it was home to large forests as well as many different land animals, such as dinosaurs.

The author mentions Europe and Australia in order to show -





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The correct answer is (A).

Europe and Australia are mentioned at the beginning of the second paragraph where their size is compared to Antarctica’s size. The fact that Antarctica is bigger than the continent of Europe and nearly twice the size of Australia shows how big Antarctica is. Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

Answer (B) is incorrect because Europe and Australia are not compared to Antarctica in terms of how cold they are.

Answer (C) is incorrect because only the differences between Europe and Australia's size and that of Antarctica are mentioned in the passage, and no similarities are discussed.

Answer (D) is incorrect because this fact only refers to Antarctica and is not why Europe and Australia are mentioned in the passage.

Reading Question 3 – word meaning

Read the sentences.

My uncle hasn’t worked in a few months. He doesn’t like being unemployed.

What is the meaning of the prefix un-?





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The correct answer is (D).

The prefix un- means "not." Therefore, unemployed means "not employed," or "not working."


Try to think of all the words you know with that prefix and see if you can find something they have in common. That will give you a clue what the affix means. 

4th Grade MAP Language Usage Sample Questions

The Language Usage test consists of 40-43 questions of varying formats, such as multiple choice, drag and drop, and short answer, and it asks about recognition and application of different English rules, norms, structures, and writing styles. The topics can be divided into four categories:  

  • Mechanics – punctuation, capitalization, spelling
  • Parts of speech – nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.
  • Usage – syntax, sentence structure
  • Writing Process – genres, techniques, coherency, accomplishing purpose 

Language Usage Question 1– Mechanics

What is the correct spelling for more than one wolf? 





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The correct answer is (C).
If a singular noun ends in f and the /f/ sound changes to /v/ when it's plural, drop the f and add ves in its place to make the noun plural. One wolf becomes two wolves. Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

Language Usage Question 2– Parts of speech

What is the correct definition of a proper noun?





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The correct answer is (D).
Proper nouns are used to name specific, one-of-a-kind items. Therefore, the correct answer is (D).

Answer (A) is incorrect because it is the definition of a common noun.

Answer (B) is incorrect because it is the definition of an adjective.

Answer (C) is incorrect because it is the definition of a verb.

Language Usage Question 3– Usage

Read the sentence.

Ethan almost left his white socks on his bed as he was in a hurry.

What is the subject in the sentence?





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The correct answer is (D).

The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about. Its is the noun that the sentence is formed around, telling us something about it or something that it does, did, or will do. To find the subject in this sentence, ask who did the action or what object, being, or concept is the topic. It will usually be in the beginning of the sentence or the beginning of the main clause of the sentence, followed by a verb or helping verb shortly after. This sentence is clearly about Ethan, telling us what he did: Who left his white socks on his bed as he was in a hurry? Ethan did. Thus, Ethan is the subject in this sentence. Therefore, the correct answer is (D).

Answer (A) is incorrect as it is a noun that is an object in the sentence, not the subject. The sentence is structured to tell us about what Ethan did regarding the socks, not something about the socks themselves. If the socks were the subject, it would look something like, "The white socks were left on the bed as Ethan was in a hurry."

Answer (B) is incorrect as it is a pronoun that refers to the subject in the sentence (Ethan), indicating possession, but not the subject itself.

Answer (C) is incorrect as it is a verb and therefore cannot be the subject. It tells what the subject is doing, but it is not the subject itself.

Language Usage Question 4– Writing process

Which of the following is required in research writing?





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The correct answer is (C).

A research paper is a detailed study of a subject that is written to discover information or achieve a new understanding of something. The purpose of research is to find existing facts and/or opinions from a variety of sources and to present them in support of an opinion or hypothesis that you have developed, or otherwise to answer a question you have formulated. Thus, a research paper should include a list of references containing all the sources you used to gather the facts and information mentioned in the paper.
Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

4th Grade MAP Growth Test Scores

MAP tests are graded using the Rasch-Unit scale (RIT). The RIT scale functions as an equal-interval scale that measures each student’s abilities regardless of grade level. This measuring system can be compared to a ruler, in that the difference between each two RIT scores remains the same regardless of whether they are on the top or the bottom of the scale. Ultimately, the purpose of the scale is to provide parents, teachers, and students alike the opportunity to see how much they have progressed academically.

Want to find out more about 4th grade MAP test scores? Visit our MAP scores page to learn about NWEA MAP test scores for 4th grade, and find out where your child stands in his or her academic growth. 

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The MAP Test & The Common Core

Since the use of the Common Core has increased so dramatically in the past few years, NWEA has adjusted every MAP test, including the fourth-grade edition, to incorporate its criteria. TestPrep-Online offers practice tests that are adjusted to fit the test's Common Core curriculum. Our NWEA MAP for 4th Grade practice pack covers every component of the Common Core mentioned on the 4th grade MAP Test, making it easier for your child to reach the score he or she deserves.

How to Prepare for the NWEA MAP Growth For 4th Grade

To prepare for the 4th Grade MAP Growth, the golden rule is practice, practice, practice. The more questions you answer and explanations you read, the more comfortable you will feel on the test and the better grasp you will have of the material. We provide hundreds of questions specially designed to mimic the format and content of the MAP tests so that you enter the test with confidence, knowledge, and a unique advantage in familiarity.