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About ISEE Reading Comprehension

The ISEE Reading Comprehension section tests a student's ability to comprehend complex texts and analyze information in a short period of time. Comprehension requires the use of critical thinking skills to answer various types of questions. Mastering these skills is critical not only for success on the ISEE, but also for academic success in general. 

The Middle and Upper Level Tests have 36 questions. You get 35 minutes to answer them. The questions measure your ability to answer concepts based on the curriculum. The concepts align with grade-level standards set by NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English).

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Sample ISEE Reading Comprehension

💡First, read the entire passage to get the big picture. As you read, think about the main idea of the passage based on the facts and details provided. This approach will help you understand the structure and content of the passage before you address the questions.💡

All About Beekeeping

Beekeeping, an age-old practice, has captivated humans for centuries with its intricate processes and delectable rewards. At the heart of this fascinating endeavor lies the intricate world of honeybees—fascinating creatures whose social structure and industrious nature have long been revered.

Within the confines of a carefully managed hive, thousands of bees work tirelessly, each playing a vital role in the colony's survival. The queen bee, the matriarch of the hive, is responsible for laying thousands of eggs, ensuring the colony's perpetuation. Worker bees, the backbone of the operation, tirelessly collect nectar from flowers, transforming it into the liquid gold we know as honey.

The process of honey production is nothing short of remarkable. As worker bees flit from blossom to blossom, they gather nectar and store it in their honey stomach. Upon returning to the hive, they regurgitate the nectar into the honeycombs, where it is repeatedly exposed to the fanning wings of other bees, gradually evaporating the excess moisture and transforming it into the thick, syrupy sweetness we all adore.

Beyond honey, beekeeping plays a crucial role in the broader ecosystem. Bees are essential pollinators, responsible for the reproduction of countless plant species, including many of the fruits and vegetables we consume daily. Their importance cannot be overstated, as they help maintain the delicate balance of our natural world.


Question One

What is the main idea of the passage?

a) Beekeeping is a difficult and dangerous activity.

b) Beekeeping is an ancient practice that involves the production of honey and the maintenance of bee colonies.

c) Honey is the only valuable product obtained from beekeeping.

d) Bees are essential for the survival of humans.


🙋Here is the answer

The correct answer is b) Beekeeping is an ancient practice that involves the production of honey and the maintenance of bee colonies because it encapsulates the main ideas presented in the passage.

Here's why this option is correct and why the others are not:

This option directly captures the essence of the passage. The passage talks about beekeeping as an age-old practice (ancient practice) that involves raising bees to collect honey (production of honey) and taking care of the beehive (maintenance of bee colonies).

Option (a): Beekeeping is a difficult and dangerous activity.

The passage doesn't mention beekeeping being difficult or dangerous. While beekeeping does require some knowledge and caution, the main focus of the passage is on the positive aspects of beekeeping.

Option (c): Honey is the only valuable product obtained from beekeeping.

The passage mentions that bees are essential pollinators, highlighting another valuable contribution of bees besides honey.

Option (d): Bees are essential for the survival of humans.

While the passage talks about the importance of bees, it doesn't claim that humans cannot survive without them. Bees play a crucial role in the ecosystem, but the passage focuses on beekeeping as a practice.


❔Question Two

Which of the following statements best supports the idea that bees play a vital role in the ecosystem?

a) Worker bees collect nectar from flowers and transform it into honey.

b) ) Beekeeping has captivated humans for centuries with its intricate processes.

c) The queen bee lays thousands of eggs to ensure the colony's perpetuation.

d Bees are essential pollinators, responsible for the reproduction of countless plant species.


🙋Here is the answer

The correct answer is d) Bees are essential pollinators, responsible for the reproduction of countless plant species. This statement best supports the idea that bees play a vital role in the ecosystem. Here's an explanation of why this is the correct answer and why the others are not:

Option d) Bees are essential pollinators, responsible for the reproduction of countless plant species:

This statement directly addresses the role of bees in the ecosystem by highlighting their critical function as pollinators. It explains that bees are responsible for the reproduction of many plants, including those that produce fruits and vegetables we consume. This role is vital for maintaining the balance of the natural world and supporting biodiversity. The passage specifically mentions this ecological importance, making this option the best support for the idea that bees are crucial to the ecosystem.

Option a) Worker bees collect nectar from flowers and transform it into honey:

While this statement describes an important activity of bees, it focuses on the process of honey production rather than their ecological role. Collecting nectar and making honey is significant for the bees and beekeepers, but it does not directly support the idea of bees' vital role in the ecosystem.

Option b) Beekeeping has captivated humans for centuries with its intricate processes:

This statement is about the human interest in beekeeping and its complexity. It does not relate to the ecological role of bees. It focuses more on the historical and cultural aspects of beekeeping rather than the environmental impact of bees.

Option c) The queen bee lays thousands of eggs to ensure the colony's perpetuation:

This statement explains the reproductive role of the queen bee within the hive. While important for the survival of the bee colony, it does not address the broader ecological impact of bees. It focuses on the internal dynamics of the hive rather than the bees' contribution to the ecosystem.


❔Question Three

Based on the information in the passage, what can be inferred about the relationship between bees and flowers?

a) Bees intentionally damage flowers while collecting nectar.

b) Flowers are the only source of food for bees.

c) Bees and flowers have a mutually beneficial relationship

d) Bees prefer certain types of flowers over others for collecting nectar.


🙋Here is the answer

The correct answer is c) Bees and flowers have a mutually beneficial relationship. Here's an explanation of why this is the correct answer and why the others are not:

Option c) Bees and flowers have a mutually beneficial relationship:

This statement is correct because the passage describes how bees collect nectar from flowers, which they transform into honey. In return, as bees move from flower to flower collecting nectar, they inadvertently pollinate the flowers, helping with plant reproduction. This mutualism benefits both parties: bees get nectar (food) and flowers get pollinated, aiding their reproduction. The passage emphasizes the importance of bees as pollinators, which supports this inference.

Option a) Bees intentionally damage flowers while collecting nectar:

This statement is incorrect because the passage does not mention or imply that bees cause damage to flowers. Instead, it highlights the beneficial role of bees in pollination. While bees collect nectar, they generally do so in a way that does not harm the flowers but instead facilitates their reproductive process.

Option b) Flowers are the only source of food for bees:

This statement is incorrect because it oversimplifies the bees' diet. The passage mentions that bees collect nectar from flowers to make honey, but it does not state that flowers are their only food source. Bees also collect pollen, which provides protein, and water, which is necessary for hive maintenance and larvae rearing. The inference here would be too narrow based on the information provided.

Option d) Bees prefer certain types of flowers over others for collecting nectar:

This statement is not supported by the passage because it does not discuss any preference bees might have for specific types of flowers. The passage speaks generally about bees collecting nectar from flowers without specifying any preference or selectivity.


❔Question Four

How does the passage organize the information about beekeeping?

a) It describes the roles of different bees and the process of honey production.

b) It presents a chronological account of the history of beekeeping.

c) It compares and contrasts different methods of beekeeping.

d) It provides step-by-step instructions for starting a beekeeping operation.


🙋Here is the Answer

The correct answer is a) It describes the roles of different bees and the process of honey production. Here's an explanation of why this is the correct answer and why the others are not:

Option a) It describes the roles of different bees and the process of honey production:

This statement is correct because the passage details the specific functions of various bees within the hive (such as the queen bee laying eggs and worker bees collecting nectar) and explains how honey is produced. The passage organizes information by first introducing the general practice of beekeeping, then describing the roles within the bee colony, and finally outlining the steps involved in honey production and the ecological importance of bees.

Option b) It presents a chronological account of the history of beekeeping:

This statement is incorrect because the passage does not provide a historical timeline of beekeeping. It mentions that beekeeping is an age-old practice but does not delve into specific historical developments or a chronological sequence of events.

Option c) It compares and contrasts different methods of beekeeping:

This statement is incorrect because the passage does not discuss or compare various beekeeping methods. It focuses on describing the roles of bees and the process of making honey rather than comparing different techniques or practices in beekeeping.

Option d) It provides step-by-step instructions for starting a beekeeping operation:

This statement is incorrect because the passage does not give detailed instructions on how to start beekeeping. Instead, it offers an overview of bee roles and honey production, along with the ecological significance of bees, without specific steps or guidelines for beginners.


Practicing the ISEE with sample questions is a great way to build your confidence and get ready for the ISEE exam.

ISEE Reading Comprehension Questions

The ISEE Reading Comprehension section tests a wide range of skills. It consists of 6 different passages covering various topics. These topics include science, history, literature, and current events. The section is designed to assess several key abilities:

  1. Your ability to grasp the main idea of a passage (3-7 questions)
  2. Identifying supporting details (5-12 questions)
  3. Drawing conclusions based on inference (6-13 questions)
  4. Your vocabulary in context (5-9 questions)
  5. Your understanding of how the passage is organized (3-5 questions)
  6. Identifying the author's tone, style, and use of figurative language (1-4 questions)

ISEE Reading Comprehension Tips

💡Here are the main types of Reading Comprehension questions and how to approach them.💡

For main idea questions:

  • Look for the overall point, message, or central theme that the passage conveys.
  • Identify the topic sentence(s) or key details that summarize the main point of the passage.
  • Avoid getting distracted by minor details and focus on the broader, overall concept.

For supporting details questions:

  • After you have identified the main idea, look for specific details, examples, or evidence that reinforce or support the main idea.
  • Pay close attention to the explanations, descriptions, facts, and reasons given in the passage.
    • Ask yourself questions for example, "What is the author trying to say here?" or "How does this detail support the main idea?" This active reading strategy can help you stay engaged and better understand the text.

For inference questions:

  • Use clues and evidence from the text to make logical conclusions.
  • Pay close attention to details, descriptions, and word choices that provide hints or evidence about unstated meanings. Look for clues about characters' thoughts, feelings, motivations, or the setting and context.
  • Consider the implied meanings, suggestions, or predictions that can be inferred from the information given.

For vocabulary questions:

  • Use context clues from the sentence or paragraph to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
  • Consider tone, subject, and surrounding words to narrow down the definition.

For organization/logic questions:

  • Identify the structure or pattern in which ideas are presented (chronological, cause-effect, compare-contrast, etc.).
  • Identify transitions, headings, and other text features that signal organization.
  • Summarize the main points and their relationship to each other.

For questions about tone / style / figurative language:

  • Consider the author's attitude, perspective, and emotional state as conveyed by the choice of words.
  • Identify descriptive language, imagery, and figurative devices such as metaphor or personification.
  • Analyze how the author's writing style and techniques contribute to the meaning or mood of the text.

In general, students should read the passage carefully, annotate or take notes, and return to the text frequently to find evidence for their answers. Try to expand your vocabulary, comprehension, and verbal reasoning skills to improve your overall comprehension. Active reading and attention to detail are critical to success on these types of comprehension assessments.

ISEE Reading Comprehension Test Prep

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