CogAT 1st Grade Test Prep Samples & Tips

Prepare your child for the 1st-grade CogAT test (level 7) with our accurate practice pack. Each part of our prep pack is designed to provide your child with the most all-inclusive practice available:

  • Full-length CogAT simulations: These practice tests for the CogAT 1st grade were designed to emulate the actual exam in terms of structure and number of questions. By completing these practice tests under the same time constraints as the real test, your child will have the opportunity to become familiar with the format and pacing of the CogAT. After finishing each practice test, your child can review explanations for all the questions. These simulations will help your child understand their overall level and give them confidence for the testing day.
  • Detailed explanations & score reports: At the end of each test or drill, your child will have access to detailed explanations of each question. They will also receive a report showing which answers were correct or incorrect. This will allow you to see where your child excels and where they may need extra help on specific topics. These reports can help identify areas for improvement and allow your child to understand their mistakes and how to solve the different question types found in the CogAT, plus you as a parent can track their progress throughout the studying process.
  • Instructional videos: Your child will find three animated videos that will help him or her better understand the nonverbal section of the CogAT. The videos cover all the nonverbal topics: figure matrices, figure classification, and paper folding.

The practice materials on our prep packs cover all the subjects found on the CogAT grade 1.

Keep reading to get a complete overview of the CogAT 1st-grade test.

CogAT 1st Grade

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  • *NEW*! 3 child-friendly explanation videos
  • 2 full-length CogAT simulations with 250+ sample questions
  • Audio instructions for the sentence completion section
  • Comprehensive score reports

All the preparation your child needs to ace their test!

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Which CogAT Level is Administered to 1st Graders?

The testing level of the CogAT Form 7 corresponds to the student’s age. This means that the CogAT Level 7 is designed for students who are seven-years-old and generally in 1st grade. The CogAT Level 7 is frequently administered to all 1st grade students.

The CogAT 1st grade is used to assess verbal, nonverbal, and quantitative abilities in children, though it focuses very little on verbal abilities. Students are not required to read on the CogAT 1st grade test. The test, comprised of images and figures, is administered by an instructor who reads the instructions aloud to the students. The students then select an answer from the answer choices, also comprised of images, for each question. In the optional Sentence Completion section, the sentence is read aloud by the instructor (in addition to the instructions) and the students select an image from the answer choices. Audio instructions are now available on TestPrep-Online for this section. This optional section is available in Spanish, making the CogAT useful for those students who do not speak English natively.

The questions on the CogAT Level 7 evaluate how well these students employ their reasoning skills to solve problems they haven't yet learned, as the material covered on the CogAT 1st grade test reflects material not yet covered in their academic careers. However, the questions are developmentally suitable level of 1st grade students.

Test Format and Content

The three batteries on the CogAT Level 7 (the Verbal Battery, the Quantitative Battery, and the Nonverbal Battery) are made up of a total of 136 questions. The batteries may be administered together or separately. This may vary by school or administering instructor. Each battery is further broken into three subtests. See the complete breakdown of the test in the table below:

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CogAT Form 7 Batteries

VerbalPicture/Verbal Analogies*
Sentence Completion
Picture/Verbal Classification*
QuantitativeNumber Analogies
Number Series
Number Puzzles
NonverbalFigure Matrices
Figure Classification
Paper Folding

*Primary levels (5/6-8) contain Picture Analogies and Picture Classification. Higher levels contain Verbal Analogies and Verbal Classification.

How to Prepare for the CogAT

Make sure your child is prepared for the CogAT Level 7 with the help of TestPrep-Online. With our practice materials, your child is sure to succeed. Check out our CogAT practice tests.

There are many ways that students can study for a test. The most important thing is to start with enough time. Studying too much in one or two days can be a risky, and you may forget some of the tricks you learn within all the information you would be receiving. Between two to three weeks should suffice to go over all the questions, explanations, and simulations at a comfortable pace.

The CogAT practice pack features questions belonging to all the batteries, and in particular all of the sub-tests. Your child can start by solving the full-length simulation of the test. If they fail one of the questions, a detailed explanation and solution is available for them to learn the proper reasoning behind the question. After your child has seen a few examples of the questions, they will be able to reproduce the logic used and answer each of the questions with confidence.

All the tests in the practice pack can be retaken so there is no rush to finish the questions fast. Your child should take their time with each explanation, and understand what are the key elements to obtain to succeed the day of the test.

Some of the skills required to solve the questions in particular batteries may demand more time to master. This is a very personal issue and because of this, we recommend that the preparation be done in a comfortable, stress-free manner. If your child is stuck trying to solve a question, perhaps it is best if they move to a different topic, or take a small break, and then approach the question once again. 

Allowing your child time to rest is just as important as going through all the questions. Some of the sub-tests may be more challenging if they have not been seen before. Our explanations also include the most intuitive way to solve the question, but perhaps your child has another solution with which they are most comfortable. 

Some children prefer longer study sessions with longer breaks and others may refer shorter study lessons with shorter break, such as 30-minute sessions with 5-minute breaks. Another good strategy could be to try and learn as much as possible during the first week of preparation, and let the information sink in during the weekend with very short study sessions. At the beginning of the second week of preparations, your child can compare their progress and you can reassess the preparation based on the progress.

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